The anticipation for Pushpa 2: The Rule starring Allu Arjun is immense, with advance booking trends setting new benchmarks globally. The film has already sold over 50,000 tickets for its U.S. premiere across 900 locations, raking in more than $1.45 million in pre-sales. It is on track to surpass previous records held by Indian blockbusters like RRR and Jawan in North America, with the potential to challenge the $20 million milestone set by Baahubali 2.
In India, Pushpa 2 is projected to make a staggering ₹270 crore globally on its opening day, which would set a new record for an Indian film. Key contributions are expected from Andhra Pradesh/Telangana (₹85 crore), other domestic markets (₹115 crore), and overseas (₹70 crore). The film will release on over 11,500 screens worldwide, making it the largest Indian release in terms of screen count.
Given the global excitement and the success of its predecessor, Pushpa 2: The Rule is poised to deliver a historic box office debut when it hits theaters on December 5, 2024.
Pushpa 2 Advance Booking & Box Office Projection
- Hindi Version:
- Advance booking for Pushpa 2 in Hindi is tracking ahead of Kalki 2898 AD and at similar levels as Stree 2 (Premieres + Day 1 combined).
- Expected opening in Hindi: ₹60–70 crore gross, supported by a ₹30 crore net advance booking.
- Telugu Version:
- Advance bookings in Andhra Pradesh have launched with increased ticket prices.
- In Telangana, Hyderabad alone has recorded a ₹12 crore gross advance.
- The Telugu version, with the highest ticket prices, is expected to achieve ₹100–120 crore gross on opening day, driven by strong pre-sales.
- Worldwide Advance Booking:
- Total pre-sales: ₹71 crore gross worldwide by Tuesday morning.
- ₹45 crore gross (₹38 crore net) from India.
- ₹26 crore gross overseas, including $1.89 million from USA/Canada premieres alone.
- For comparison:
- Salaar: ₹81 crore gross worldwide in advance bookings.
- Kalki 2898 AD: ₹90 crore gross.
- Total pre-sales: ₹71 crore gross worldwide by Tuesday morning.
- Opening Day Projections:
- Global opening is expected in the range of ₹250–300 crore gross, which could surpass records held by RRR and Baahubali 2.
- Premium ticket pricing will significantly contribute to these figures.
- Special Premieres:
- Advance booking for special premieres has started, with shows expected to drive higher revenue throughout Tuesday.
- Overseas Market:
- Total overseas pre-sales: $3.4 million (₹28.42 crore gross).
- USA/Canada contribution: $2.18 million from premieres and Day 1.
With these figures, Pushpa 2 is on track to become one of the most successful Indian film launches of all time, leveraging immense fan anticipation and high ticket pricing globally.