“Stree 2” (transl. Woman 2) is an upcoming Hindi-language comedy horror film directed by Amar Kaushik and produced by Dinesh Vijan…
Story: Uma, desperate to escape an unwanted marriage, discovers a graphic novel once owned by Surjo. Intrigued by the unfinished…
“Twisters” is a 2024 American disaster film directed by Lee Isaac Chung, with a screenplay by Mark L. Smith based…
“Bad Newz” (2024) is an action-comedy film that centers around a ragtag group of misfits who find themselves in over…
“Longlegs” (2024) is a horror-thriller directed by Osgood Perkins, known for his distinctive and atmospheric storytelling style. The film stars…
“Deadpool & Wolverine” (2024) is a highly anticipated film that brings together two of Marvel’s most popular characters, Deadpool and…
“Indian 2” (also marketed as “Indian 2: Zero Tolerance”) is a 2024 Indian Tamil-language vigilante action film directed by S.…
“Sarfira” is a 2024 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Sudha Kongara and produced by 2D Entertainment, Abundantia Entertainment, and…
“Aranyer Prachin Probad,” set for release this July, promises a thrilling cinematic experience. With its unconventional narrative, the movie introduces…
Rewrite (2024) is an American dark fantasy film directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and written by Dan Mazeau. The film…