“Mufasa: The Lion King,” directed by Barry Jenkins, is a photorealistic animated prequel to the 2019 “The Lion King” remake. The film had a substantial production budget of approximately $200 million.
Box Office Performance:
- Day 2 Collection in India:
- The film experienced a significant increase in earnings on its second day in India, collecting ₹13.7 crore, a 55.68% rise from its opening day.
- Language-wise breakdown for Day 2:
- English: ₹5.5 crore
- Hindi: ₹4.5 crore
- Telugu: ₹2 crore
- Tamil: ₹1.7 crore
- This brought the total India net collection to ₹22.5 crore over two days.
- Worldwide Collection:
- Globally, “Mufasa: The Lion King” garnered approximately $122 million (around ₹500 crore) in its opening weekend.
- The film’s domestic (U.S. and Canada) opening weekend earnings were about $35 million, indicating a stronger performance in international markets.
Critical Reception:
The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its visual effects and musical score, while others felt it lacked the emotional depth of its predecessor.
While “Mufasa: The Lion King” has shown promising box office numbers, especially internationally, it faces competition from other releases and mixed critical reception. Its performance in the coming weeks will determine its overall success relative to its substantial production budget.