In 1998, a young Michael is captivated by the world of superheroes, willing to go to any length to emulate them. Fast forward to the present, we encounter Hanumanta, a seemingly directionless individual residing with his sister Anjamma in a small village overshadowed by the menacing presence of Gajapati and his henchmen. Hanumanth harbors a longstanding affection for Meenakshi, though she reciprocates feelings for someone who has been her constant support—none other than Hanumanth himself.
When Meenakshi rebels against Gajapati’s tyranny, the antagonist aims to eliminate her. However, Hanumanth intervenes, rescuing her from a band of dacoits but sustaining severe injuries that leave him submerged in the depths of the sea. In this abyss, Hanumanta stumbles upon the Rudra Mani, a mystical gem that not only heals his wounds but also bestows upon him extraordinary powers.
Empowered by his newfound abilities, Hanumanta confronts and defeats Gajapati in a wrestling match, putting an end to the village’s torment. Coincidentally, around the same time, Michael arrives in the village under the pretext of development. However, his true motives are to unravel the mystery behind Hanumanta’s superhuman capabilities. The narrative unfolds with a blend of childhood aspirations, unrequited love, newfound strengths, and the arrival of an outsider set on unraveling the extraordinary tale of Hanumanta.
HanuMan performed well on its first day at the Box Office — better than Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi starrer Merry Christmas by minting ₹11.91 crore net in India on its release day.
₹250 crore
Speaking of the film total collection, the film has earned ₹172.50 crore net within seventeen days of its release, film industry tracker stated. On 29 January, HanuMan makers took to social media and revealed that the film minted ₹250 crore worldwide.