“Mufasa: The Lion King,” directed by Barry Jenkins, is a prequel to Disney’s 2019 “The Lion King.” The film had…
Browsing: Animation Movie
“Mufasa: The Lion King,” directed by Barry Jenkins, is a photorealistic animated prequel to the 2019 “The Lion King” remake.…
Mufasa: The Lion King has opened to modest numbers in India but delivered a bumper performance in the USA and…
“Mufasa: The Lion King,” directed by Barry Jenkins, serves as a prequel to Disney’s 2019 “The Lion King” remake, exploring…
Moana 2 is off to a record-breaking start at the box office. Over its first five days, the film earned…
The recently released “Moana 2” (2024) continues Disney’s exploration of Polynesian culture and wayfinding with breathtaking animation, but it has…
“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the franchise, with a mix of returning…
“Spy × Family Code: White” is a 2023 Japanese anime spy action comedy film directed by Takashi Katagiri, with a…
“Despicable Me 4” is a 2024 American animated comedy film produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination, distributed by Universal. It…
Inside Out 2 is a 2024 American animated coming-of-age film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney…