A Wedding Story (2024), directed by Abhinav Pareek, is a horror film that revolves around the ancient Hindu concept of “Panchak Kal,” considered inauspicious. The movie focuses on a series of strange and unsettling events within the Nain family after the death of its head during this period. The premise is intriguing, and the film delivers some genuine scares through its eerie atmosphere and effective background score. However, critics have noted that the screenplay is weak, with unresolved plot threads and underdeveloped characters detracting from the overall impact.
The performances, particularly by Vaibhav Tatwawadi and Mukti Mohan, have been praised, but the film suffers from pacing issues and an unsatisfying climax. The inclusion of unnecessary song-and-dance moments was also criticized for breaking the tension. Overall, A Wedding Story has potential, especially for fans of traditional horror, but its execution leaves much to be desired.
Shubho Shekhar Bhattacharjee’s story in A Wedding Story is quite ordinary and lacks the key elements that make a horror film gripping. His screenplay fails to deliver the necessary thrills and chills expected in this genre, leaving the audience disconnected from the unfolding events. As a result, there are no moments that induce fear, causing the viewers to remain passive instead of feeling engaged. The dialogues are mediocre, and overall, the film neither entertains nor delivers the tension needed for a horror experience. Consequently, it’s likely to perform poorly at the box office.